For the funding of your project on biomarkers, several options exist according to the maturity of your project.
The french Ministry of Solidarities and Health, through the « Direction Générale de l’Offre de Soins (DGOS) », offers different fundings:
- translational research programme (PRT) ;
- hospital programme for clinical research (PHRC)
and three other programmes about work organisation of medical teams:
- medico-economic research programme (PRME) ;
- research programme on health care system efficiency (PREPS) ;
- hospital programme for nurse and paramedic research (PHRIP).
The programmes PRT, PHRC and PRME are especially adapted for the development of innovative health technologies.
In addition, the « forfait innovation » and the RIHN (référentiel des actes innovants hors nomenclature de biologie et l’anatomopathologie) are also available to support the development of in vitro diagnosctic devices. These two programmes may temporarily take over the costs of the innovative acts, awaiting further studies to provide clinical or medico-economic data. They are granted by the ministers in charge of health and social security, after endorsement from the HAS.
The National Agency for Research (ANR) is the operator in charge of the implementation of fundings for research projects in France. It support basic and translational research.
The National Agency for AIDS Research (ANRS) supports research projects on HIV and viral hepatitis.
The National Cancer Institute (INCA) coordinates calls to improve healthcare and quality of life for patients but also to move forward the public health policies.
The « Fondation de l’Avenir » aims to promote research and innovation in health. Different programmes are available to support applied medical research in France.
The European Commission manages funding programmes : H2020 (until 2020) and Horizon Europe (from 2021 to 2027).
The EIT Health is also a body from the European Commission, devoted to health innovation promotion and spreading, through 3 programmes (Accelerator, Campus and Innovation projects).
In addition :
- local supports could be obtained from regions
- Technology Transfer Offices could also support some projects (to patent for example)
Ministry of solidarities and health:
Forfait innovation:
ANR – open calls:
On HIV and viral hepatitis:
Cancer research:
Supports from the « Fondation de l’Avenir »:
European programmes: