Where does it come from?
BMK TOOLS® ® is the result of several brainstorming sessions held by the steering committee specialised in biomarkers and companion tests of the CVT at Aviesan. The members of this committee were selected in accordance with their diagnostic expertise in diagnostics and their complementarity in order to have representatives from across the entire value chain:
- Alain Horvais: Partner, Kurma Life Sciences (Innovation Funding – venture capital)
- Catherine Larue: Founder and CEO of CoDx, Consulting in Biotechnology and Diagnostic (Consulting, Biobanks)
- Christophe Cans: R&D Manager allergy, cough and cold care offers at Sanofi. (Research and Development)
- Daniel Laune: Chairman of KYomed INNOV (firm facilitating the setting up of innovative R&D, at the convergence between diagnosis, therapy and e-health). (Innovation support)
- Jérôme Sallette: Director of Innovation and Development, Cerba HealthCare (Medical laboratories – medical biology)
- Patrick Rossignol: Medical officer – Inserm CHU Nancy (Clinical research)
- Pauline Solignac: Entreprenariat Project Leader, Marketing and Industrial Partnerships, Inserm Transfer (Valorisation of research)
- Brigitte Couette: Coordinator of health biology actions, I-site Montpellier University of Excellence (MUSE) (Clinical research and valorisation of research)
- Sylvain Lehman: Future director of the Institute for Neurosciences of Montpellier (Clinical research)
- John De Vos : MD, PhD at CHU of Montpellier, Scientific Director of the “KIM biomarkers and therapy”, I-site Montpellier University of Excellence (MUSE) (Clinical research)
- Franck Lethimonnier, Marie Anson & Inês Amado: Aviesan (Valorisation of research)
Why use it?

Learn through the BMK Tools educational module
- Understand the stages of development of a biomarker
- Understand the regulatory procedures
- Identify the key players in the field
- Identify the appropriate persons to patent a biomarker
Evaluate your projects using the application module
- Review project progress
- Position your project in the value chain
- Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your project
Accelerate the development of your projects
- Find collaborators, partners to advance your project
- Access to additional resources (biobanks, validation platforms…)
- Obtain funding
For techEdunology transfer offices
- Position all the projects according to the same criteria
- Standardise the evaluation of projects
- Propose better, more personalised support
For industrial partners
- Access to “qualified” projects
- Access to a larger number of projects (sourcing)
- Clearer evaluation of biomarker projects
Who can use it?
BMK TOOLS® ® is to be used by all the players in in vitro diagnostics: academic researchers, startups, clinicians, Technology Transfer Offices (TTO), Technology Transfer Acceleration Companies (SATT), competitiveness clusters, investment funds, pharmaceutical and diagnostic industry partners …
BMK TOOLS® includes:
> An educational module “Learn” in which information fact sheets explaining every step of the value chain of biomarkers and various information is available
> An application module “Position a project” in which an online questionnaire is made available to position your biomarker projects in the value chain and to ask for support